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Bilingual Project for Environmental Policies in 2023

The project includes the publication of Electronic Major Environmental Policies (MEP) Monthly and Quarterly, the update of the MEP webpages, the English translation of the Ministry of Environment (MOENV)’s Administrative Progress Reports in the Seventh Session of the 10th Legislative Yuan Social Welfare and Environmental Hygiene Committee and assistance with the editing of MOENV’s English documents. As of November 2023, 12 issues of the Chinese and English versions of the Electronic MEP were published. Also, four issues of the MEP Quarterly were printed. A total of 3,693 copies were sent electronically. Contents of the MEP were provided to the MOENV for use on relevant departmental websites and uploaded to the OpenData website regularly. Providing the English translation of MOENV’s Special Report and Administrative Progress Reports in the Seventh Session of the 10th Legislative Yuan Social Welfare and Environmental Hygiene Committee. Two editors were sent to the MOENV to assist with editing English documents.
bilingual, policy